Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Obama’s score card on programs to help the troubled housing market

CNN Money released an article discussing a recap of all of the programs Obama has initiated to help rescue the troubled housing market over the years. As you all know there have been several. Each has had their pros and cons but have not been 100% effective; or they have not yet come full circle on the benefits to the home owners experiencing difficulty. Please click on the link below for more information.

I have worked with alot of home owners over the years and have had the opportunity to see many different hardships. One commonality I have observed by most home owners experiencing difficulty paying their mortgage and facing the reality of losing their homes is that they want to hold on as long as they can. They will try anything to hold on to their homes where their memories were made; where their children grew up, or simply because they are comfortable with the lifestyle they have built for themselves over the years.

When these programs are born to help home owners hang on what I have seen is alot of false hopes being made and ultimately the home owner loses anyway due to the programs not being executed properly; or it is too late as the home owner is too deep in the process for anything to be done, or they simply do not qualify for these programs.

I have been reflecting over the last week about our market and life in general. I am seeing the true nature of the human condition. In my own life I have recently experienced alot of changes. As a business owner and a woman who is very passionate about what I do and the people, places and things that I love I can tell you that I do not let go of anything without claw marks. I pro longed the inevitable changes even with an awareness they would have to one day because I was not prepared to handle the discomfort that I knew the detachment would cause. I reached a place where I had to choose; to either continue the way things were or surrender, allow and trust that the situation would heal and be replaced with something better. As painful as it was, with faith in my heart, I had to let go of the outcomes. Sometimes I have to do this hour to hour and sometimes minute to minute daily.

I had to do some searching within myself to see if the attachments I had were serving me anymore. Was it worth the stress, the pain, the worry and the sleepless nights or did I want to be whole? I had to accept the choices that I made. Not judge them anymore but accept them and realize that something’s just cannot be controlled or fixed. It is not that those things I let go of are no longer special to me or that I have lost the memories. The memories are really the only thing that lasts forever.

Change is frightening for alot of people if not all people. The fear of what is on the other side and what life will look like without these so called things we just cannot live without. The true definition of fear is being afraid that we will lose something we already have or not get what we want and desire. I have found in my own life experience that anytime there is fear it is because I have created it. Sometimes the only way we can rebuild a solid foundation is to tear down the one that is swaying back and forth and knocking us off balance. I heard someone say once “What a beautiful mess". It does not feel so beautiful at the time but I do know that once the dust has settled things are clearer to move forward on a positive note with lessons learned and a future full of possibility.

Even though my experience is different in nature the energy behind it is the same. We are all trying to get to the same place we are just following different maps. REALTORS, you are going to run into many homeowners who are holding on for dear life and not ready to make a decision on what to do. It is my hope that you may be able to relate your human experiences with theirs to help you to connect with your clients and also here the undertone of what they are saying to you. I can almost bet 99.9% of the time; their hesitancy is based out of fear.

Ask them the following questions:

1. Can you afford to make your payments?

2. Even if the bank modified your loan, do you see your financial picture improving in the next year to continue payments for the life of the loan?

If the answer is NO to both of those questions then most likely these programs are not going to be very helpful.

http://money.cnn.com/2011/08/31/real_estate/obama_housing_scorecard/ ( Obviously it is still important to make sure you go over all options possible to get to the right one for your clients situation. )

I believe if we are able to relate to our clients from the human condition and human experience we will be able to help them move through the agony of prolonging the inevitable faster.

(Quote) "The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart."

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